Living on Water
Post-earthquake solutions
Design Team: Merve Akdoğan, Berfin Salebcioğlu, Fatih Eken
Project Team: Sevince Bayrak, Oral Göktaş, Ayfer Bartu Candan, Emre Otay, MEF Architecture students, Boğaziçi University Sociology students, Boğaziçi University Civil Engineering students
This project was exhibited during Istanbul Design Biennial in 2018 and then exhibited at Luma Arles.
Designated emergency assembly points in the case of an earthquake in Istanbul were announced in 2001. Since then, most of these public spaces have been built up, which raises the question of where everyone will be housed in the case of an emergency. The idea of designing a speculative prototype of a floating emergency house came out of this fact: what if the response is not about stable land, but manageable water? Fold&Float is now floating on Golden Horn the area that will not be impacted by an earthquake’s tsunami.
Hope On Water is an education project done for the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial” as a collaboration with civil engineering and sociology students from Boğaziçi University and architecture students from MEF University. The educational project was run by Ayfer Bartu Candan, Emre Otay, Oral Goktas and Sevince Bayrak.

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